Access & support like no other B2B SaaS pre-seed fund.

With our large team of early-stage founders and operators, we provide hands-on support, guidance and expertise unlike any other pre-seed fund.

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Our pre-seed fund offers more than just capital. With the infrastructure and resources from our accelerator, deep B2B SaaS expertise, and access to a network of advisors and investors, you’ll continue to gain traction, build momentum and reach your next fundraise milestone.

Forum Ventures was a game changer for our company. We’re a tech-heavy team and Forum Ventures gave us the help on the business side of our company that we needed.

Patricia Thaine
CEO & Founder

Forum Ventures was instrumental in setting up our company for go-to-market excellence and lasting growth. Since partnering with Forum, our company has grown 8x and is adding some of the best talent on the market. I recommend Forum to any founders wishing to do the same or better.

Josh Ellars
CEO & Founder

There are a lot of early stage funds that can write checks, but few go the extra mile like I have witnessed the Forum team do. The personalized, extension-of-team approach makes you feel supported at the most crucial of times. Forum was always my first call when times were tough and when there was something big to celebrate, no matter the time of day or night.

Emiel Bril
CEO & Founder

What Forum is great at is connecting you with people beyond investors and founders. From getting help finding an accountant or navigating compliance to enterprise client introduction - you just need to ask. TL;DR: working with people that "get it", makes a huge difference. For me, Forum is #1 on the list.

Dmytro Grechko
CEO & Founder

Expertise, connections, and infrastructure for B2B SaaS Startups.

In-House Consulting

Access to our in-house experts in Sales, Marketing, Product Engineering, Finance, HR, and Operations, providing essential support for your company's critical functions.

Advisor Network

Our network of Zero-to-One advisors are all former B2B SaaS founders and operators who have scaled a venture from inception to sustainable.

Customer Introductions

Meet key customers from our network of 300+ F500 and F1000 companies to continue to hone product market fit, land more customers, build traction, and increase your ARR.

VC Introductions

Our fundraising expertise plus our large network of seed-stage and Series A investors will give you the advantage you need to land critical meetings and close your next round.

Network for B2B SaaS Founders

We have a strong, active network of 400+ B2B SaaS founders across every industry. Connecting with hands-on pre-seed investors on a similar journey.

Unwavering Support

We are the investor on your cap table that you can call in the middle of the night, that will help you out of a bind, that will go to bat for you, and that will still be here the next morning.

There are a lot of early stage funds that can write checks, but few go the extra mile like I have witnessed the Forum team do.

- Emiel Bril, CEO of VendorPM

Some of our follow-on and co-investors.


Our pre-seed funding enables ambitious founders to drive innovation across industries and build massive businesses in the process.


Discover everything you need to succeed on the early-stage B2B SaaS journey.


FAQ: Creating a successful Investor Pre-seed Pitch Deck that gets you funded

Wondering how to create a successful investor pre-seed pitch deck that gets you funded? Look no further than this FAQ guide, filled with expert tips and advice.

GTM and Sales

10 Tips for Success for B2B Saas Pre-seed and Seed Founders

Starting a B2B SaaS company is tough, but with these 10 tips, pre-seed and seed founders can set themselves up for success.

Founder Stories

Why We’re Doubling Down on VendorPM, a Digital Marketplace for Vendors and Property Managers

More Resources

We’re on a mission to make the B2B SaaS journey easier, more accessible and successful for early-stage founders.